Life & Style Neuer Lesestoff: Das sind Bill Gates‘ Buch-Tipps für die Feiertage

Neuer Lesestoff: Das sind Bill Gates‘ Buch-Tipps für die Feiertage

Die Tage werden wieder dunkler und kälter, dafür wird die eigene Couch mit Kissenlandschaft der neue Place-to-be. Der perfekte Zeitpunkt also, um mal wieder ein Buch in die Hand zu nehmen. Und wie in den letzten Jahren, verrät Microsoft-Gründer Bill Gates auch in diesem Jahr wieder eine handvoll seiner Lieblingsbücher.

Auf seinem Blog schreibt er, dass es dieses Jahr einige Bücher in die Liste geschafft haben, die er auch als Kind gerne gelesen hätte. Denn nachdem er einige Jahre vor allem Non-Fiction-Bücher gelesen habe, findet er nun auch wieder Gefallen an fiktionalen Erzählungen.

Das hier sind Gates‘ fünf Lieblingsbücher für die diesjährigen Feiertage, mit seiner Rezension:

1 / 5
A Thousand Brains: A New Theory of Intelligence, von Jeff Hawkins
„Few subjects have captured the imaginations of science fiction writers like artificial intelligence. If you’re interested in learning more about what it might take to create a true AI, this book offers a fascinating theory. Hawkins may be best known as the co-inventor of the PalmPilot, but he’s spent decades thinking about the connections between neuroscience and machine learning, and there’s no better introduction to his thinking than this book.“
2 / 5
The Code Breaker: Jennifer Doudna, Gene Editing, and the Future of the Human Race, von Walter Isaacson
„The CRISPR gene editing system is one of the coolest and perhaps most consequential scientific breakthroughs of the last decade. I’m familiar with it because of my work at the foundation—we’re funding a number of projects that use the technology—but I still learned a lot from this comprehensive and accessible book about its discovery by Nobel Prize-winning biochemist Jennifer Doudna and her colleagues. Isaacson does a good job highlighting the most important ethical questions around gene editing.“
3 / 5
Klara and the Sun, von Kazuo Ishiguro
„I love a good robot story, and Ishiguro’s novel about an “artificial friend” to a sick young girl is no exception. Although it takes place in a dystopian future, the robots aren’t a force for evil. Instead, they serve as companions to keep people company. This book made me think about what life with super intelligent robots might look like—and whether we’ll treat these kinds of machines as pieces of technology or as something more.“
4 / 5
Hamnet, von Maggie O’Farrell.
„If you’re a Shakespeare fan, you’ll love this moving novel about how his personal life might’ve influenced the writing of one of his most famous plays. O’Farrell has built her story on two facts we know to be true about “The Bard”: his son Hamnet died at the age of 11, and a couple years later, Shakespeare wrote a tragedy called Hamlet. I especially enjoyed reading about his wife, Anne, who is imagined here as an almost supernatural figure.“
5 / 5
Project Hail Mary, von Andy Weir
„Like most people, I was first introduced to Weir’s writing through The Martian. His latest novel is a wild tale about a high school science teacher who wakes up in a different star system with no memory of how he got there. The rest of the story is all about how he uses science and engineering to save the day. It’s a fun read, and I finished the whole thing in one weekend.“

Solltet ihr euch lieber von Bill Gates selbst erklären lassen wollen, wieso er sich für genau diese Bücher entschieden hat, gibt es die Liste hier auch noch als Video:

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